Young Doesn’t Mean Less Creative; Park Hyun On his Cosplay Journey
I can still remember my earliest days in the cosplay community back when I was 14. It was a gift from my parents that they’ve let me start cosplaying at an early age. I barely know anything about the community but that is exactly why I enjoyed it in the very first place. This is also a reason as to why Park caught my attention.
Starting in the community as the same age as I was, the pure fun and innocence on the hobby makes Park Hyun stand out. He started cosplaying back in 2017 during a mall stroll that influenced him into watching anime. Around this year as well, he went on with his very first cosplay which was, Naruto.
Sadly, we weren’t able to get a copy of his first one, but we have his version of Hanako of Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun (地縛少年花子くん, Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun).
He then met Colin Daniel, whom inspired him in the hobby, and started buying more costumes. With this, he gained confidence with himself, made friends which brought him so much happiness.
Being hated and loved in this hobby isn’t new to us anymore, despite this negativity in the community, he still insisted to continue with the hobby for the reason that he enjoyed cosplaying for himself as well as to have fun. He loves to support his friends and remind himself that he is more than what other people say.
Park expressed his disappointment towards people who are being judgmental in the community, experiencing this first hand, it makes him sad knowing that cosplaying isn’t really an easy thing to do. With this being said, it just shows that the amount of people who are into perfection rises as the year goes by. Because even those who are just starting out in the hobby could experience this as well.
Following what Park said, cosplaying isn’t really an easy thing to do knowing that it takes money, effort, and creativity to execute a “perfect” looking cosplay. Luckily, most people in the community stays with their words of having fun and just doing what they love.
In five years, Park hopes to be able to go to Malaysia where he can meet his friends, and move to Japan with his uncle. He’s been trying to learn different languages to support this dream of his. Talking about dedication, right?
Zenitsu Agatsuma is his most favorite cosplay that he has done so far. With his personality fitting so much to Zenitsu, we do agree that he played his part very well.
For his biggest cosplan, he wanted to do SilverAsh, and he claimed that he’s been saving a lot for this tough one. He also shared that it could be his most expensive cosplan with him having to get it from an online shopping site.
Coming from another Kimetsu no Yaiba reference, Park would love to dedicate a character, Obanai Iguro, to his experiences for his personality and eagerness to protect his love one. (I couldn’t agree more, I do love Obanai Iguro as well! Two thumbs up!)
For our wrap up, Hyun wanted to leave his message to the community as;
“Cosplaying is a fun community where you can learn, and express yourself more. Cosplaying could help you with friends, and have more confidence. Cosplaying may be hard at times, but as long as you get to do what you love, then do it! Don’t let anyone bring your hopes down! In this community you will learn a lot of new things on your own and from other people too.”
Follow him on his cosplay journey through his Instagram account @tsugokuyugi.
Disclaimer: Photos and other information were sent by the Park himself with his permission to be used in the article.